Effective September 1, all GEC independent access instrumentation will become part of the UWBC Biogarage.
Hours of operation will be 8-4PM.
Scheduling will no longer be done via the GEC Google calendar, but through the Scheduling Tool on the BioGarage website.
Users will now be required to bring all of their own materials. This includes all reagents, chips, pipettes/tips, and any other consumables.
If you have any questions regarding this change, please contact BioGarage staff at biogarage@biotech.wisc.edu.
The Bioanalyzer utilizes ‘Lab-on-a-Chip’ technology to integrate sample preparation, fluid handling, separation, detection, and data analysis. Providing researchers with standardized methods and enhanced reproducibility. Each chip contains an interconnected set of gel-filled channels that allow for molecular sieving of nucleic acid and protein samples.
Quick and Easy Operation
*Simple chip preparation requires less than 20 minutes set-up time.
*Ready to use reagent kits.
*Only 1ul of sample required
*Only 30 minutes to run and analyze 11-12 samples.
*Data is displayed as a gel-image or electropherogram
*Automatically calculates fragment size, concentration, ribosomal RNA ratios,
*High detection sensitivity. More sensitive than a polyacrylamide gel stained with EtBr or SYBR Gold.
*Built in quality control with custom array ladders.
The Gene Expression Center stocks both the Agilent RNA Nano and Pico kits as well as DNA 1000 and HS DNA kits.
Independent Access
We require users to sign up for the Bioanalyzer by the end of the business day prior to their intended use. This instrument is available Monday through Friday, 9am – 5pm. Contact gecinfo@biotech.wisc.edu for access to the Google calendar.
UWBC Room 2302 Usage Guidelines
The Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer is available for independent access once users have been satisfactorily trained by lab personnel. The cost of training cost is $115/hour plus the cost of consumables, and a training session generally takes 1.5 to 2 hours. Please read the Training Info and Training Form prior to training. To schedule training, please contact the GEC with the completed Training Form.
Agilent Training Form (January 2022)
Agilent Chips Available | UW Rate | External Rate |
Agilent RNA6000 NanoChip | $56 | $84 |
Agilent RNA6000 PicoChip | $58 | $90 |
Agilent DNA 1000 Chip | $55 | $87 |
Agilent HS DNA Chip | $85 | $92 |
Price includes the Agilent Chip, consumables, reagents and RNA/DNA ladder.
Prices current as of May 2022
Gene Expression Center Agilent Scheduling and Use policy
Interested users may buy their own kits and pay a $18 instrument access fee.
For more information visit the Agilent web site.
Or contact: gecinfo@biotech.wisc.edu
All data and services provided by the University of Wisconsin Biotechnology Center Gene Expression Center are intended for research purposes only. Services are not intended nor certified for diagnostic or clinical use.