Oxford Nanopore RNA seq

As a Certified Service Provider  in collaboration with DNA Sequencing Facility and Bioinformatics Resource Center the GEC offers long-read nanopore RNA sequencing providing full-length quantification of native RNA or cDNA without fragmentation or amplification bias. Additionally the GEC offers PCR-cDNA preparation in samples with limiting starting material.

updated: February 2019


Library Prep Option


RNA Conc. Range

Direct RNA (SQK_RNA004)

1 ug





Fluorometric concentrations are preferred as it is a more accurate quantification of actual RNA concentration.

Recommended RNA Quality Metrics

Strongly recommend RNA samples are DNase treated

RNA should be fully intact to ensure full transcript coverage.   ONT recommended RIN >9.0.

RNA A260/A280 ~ 2.0 & A260/A230 ~2.0-2.2.

An A260/A280 < 2.0 may indicate the presence of DNA.

An A260/A280 < 1.8 can indicate the presence of protein or phenol.

An A260/A230 significantly lower than 2.0-2.2 indicates the presence of contaminants, and the RNA may need additional purification.

Chemical impurities such as detergents, denaturants, chelating agents and high concentrations of salts should be avoided as these may affect the efficiency of enzymatic steps.

Other contaminants such as DNA, proteins and dyes may also reduce the efficiency of steps in the library preparation.

Oxford Nanopore Technology Pricing

Service Details UW System Rate External Rate
Direct RNA Service Setup charge for 1-12 concurrent samples



Direct RNA (SQK-RNA004) Preparation

Per sample charge



cDNA-PCR Service Setup charge for 1-24 concurrent samples



cDNA-PCR (SQK-PCS114) Preparation Per sample charge $195 $225


To request a quote please contact gecinfo@biotech.wisc.edu.

All data and services provided by the University of Wisconsin Biotechnology Center Gene Expression Center are intended for research purposes only. Services are not intended nor certified for diagnostic or clinical use.